Code base obscuration (for images) 1.0
It implements different obscuration methods on portable images (.pgm and .ppm)
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
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 PaillierController.hppSuperclass, of Paillier main, that contain common methods between subclasses
 PaillierControllerPGM.hppHeader file for the PaillierControllerPGM class, which is a controller for the Paillier cryptosystem applied to PGM (Portable Gray Map) images
 PaillierControllerStatG.hppThis file contains the declaration of the PaillierControllerStatG class, which is a derivative of the PaillierController class. This class is used to perform statistical calculations on g in a Paillier cryptosystem
 PaillierControllerStatR.hppThis file contains the declaration of the PaillierControllerStatR class, which is derived from the PaillierController class. This class is used to perform statistical calculations on r in the Paillier cryptosystem
 Paillier_model.hppHeader of singleton of using the Paillier cryptosystem
 commandLineInterface.hppThis file contains the command line interface for the Paillier cryptosystem